Leaders vs. Leadership We all have hopefully, at some point in the year, begun to understand that being a leader is not just a one dimensional role. Leaders have a duty: to create and foster effective leadership in the respective community they serve or are working for. One way of looking at what effective […]
April 9, 2013I’m going to go off of my usual topic here and write about street fashion. I really do love a good fashion/personal style blog (my favorites are here and here) and something I’ve noticed rapidly growing in the fashion blogging world is street fashion. Street fashion is basically just what it sounds like: what people are wearing on the streets in […]
Feminism: Dare I Say It…
April 8, 2013I am doing my History 390 project on the ‘Woman’s Suffrage Movement’ and came across such an interesting and liberating moment in the movement. Jeannette Rankin was the first female elected official as a Representative in the United State Congress. Rankin was known for her anti-war disposition when it came to voting on sending our […]
Biggest Lessons College Has Taught Me
April 8, 2013Coming in to college, I would say I had a pretty firm grip on who I am as a individual and the things that I want out of life. I have found that as I become older, I become more mature as well. I do not believe that age defines maturity, but I have found […]
Learning to Prioritize….
April 8, 2013I think one of the biggest lessons college has taught me is how to prioritize my life. As a college student, it’s so easy to lose track of time, which causes one’s schedule to be off balance. It is essential as a student to ensure that you make time for school by going to classes […]
Change is GOOD!
April 8, 2013In order to fully grow and to fully change in an experience, most people think it takes weeks, months, or even years. I am proof that this is an inaccurate statement. In my time here at George Mason, I’ve participated in 2 Alternative Break trips. I went to Jamaica in the winter of 2012 and […]
People of Color: An LGBTQ experience.
April 8, 2013I’ve never always identified myself as a leader in regards of my identity, every time I think about leadership–it has been attempting to help out an organization that supported others and in return learning from my experience and making wonderful friends. But my color, my sexuality, and my background make up an important aspect of […]
Summer with AB–Does it get any better?
April 5, 2013What is the best way to spend 1-2 weeks of your summer you ask? Without question, the answer is participating in some COMMUNITY SERVICE! Alternative Breaks here at GMU gives you on the opportunity to do just that. From May 25th- May 31st 2013, you have the chance to travel to Pine Ridge, SD. With […]
Management & Leadership Going Hand and Hand
April 3, 2013Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things. -Peter Drucker My thoughts about management and leadership are that they go hand in hand; being organized and able to manage things well is a quality that I feel is essential to being a well rounded leader. Without good management skills things get […]
Conflict Analyis
April 3, 2013Lately, I’ve been dealing a lot with conflict analysis. As leaders, conflict is destined to arise, whether it be with another person or with people who follow our lead. In any case, we have to learn how to manage conflict effectively. One thing college has definitely taught me is how to interact with people from […]