Conflict Analyis

Lately, I’ve been dealing a lot with conflict analysis. As leaders, conflict is destined to arise, whether it be with another person or with people who follow our lead. In any case, we have to learn how to manage conflict effectively. One thing college has definitely taught me is how to interact with people from different cultures and backgrounds, with different attitudes and personalities as well. With opposing ideologies, goals, and perceptions it’s easy to go head up with people, convinced that you are right. I think an important aspect of being a good leader involved being a good listener, and allowing others to share their piece on a given situation. Just because you are a leader doesn’t mean you’re always right. Every day is an opportunity to learn something new. People make mistakes, it’s called being human. No one is perfect!

2 Responses to “Conflict Analyis”

  1.   jskyers Says:


    “Good judgement comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgement.”
    -Rita Mae Brown

  2.   lwaldron Says:

    I absolutely agree, and I appreciate the connection between an academic/governmental area of interest with leadership. Conflict analysis is versatile in any form of communication.

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