“Every person you will ever meet knows something that you don’t” – Bill Nye I read this quote about a month ago and it seemed to really strike a chord with me. This past semester we’ve talked a lot of using our differences as an instrument of social change and engaging our community more effectively. […]
Challenge Accepted?
April 15, 2013In my RA class we had to go to two cultural events that were OUT OF OUR COMFORT ZONE. When I speak going ‘out of your comfort zone’ then I mean it. Most people think that they are culturally tolerant, but they participate with different cultures that fits them or are similar and not too […]
5 Characteristics of Being an Effective Leader
April 15, 2013Obviously, there are more characteristics than five that contribute one to being an effective leader. However, I believe these characteristics are vital to being a leader that people would want to follow. Here they are: 1. Lead by Example “Do what has to be done. Do it when it has to be done. Do it […]
The Shocking Revelation: First Man
April 15, 2013With all of this talk about our next president potentially being the first female president, has anyone stopped and thought about our First Man? The role our First Man would execute has to be taken into as much consideration as the role of our first female president. From the first through the forty-fourth First […]
Life on the AB Exec Board
April 15, 2013For the 2012-2013 academic year, I served as the recruitment chair for Alternative Breaks here at Mason. In this role, I coordinated events for AB recruitment. This included booking kiosks, planning information sessions, and speaking in classes if necessary. I also worked closely with the marketing chair in the hopes of getting the word out […]
Clicktivism: Effective or Not?
April 15, 2013Being leaders of the 21st Century, there are so many ways for us to bring change. The world of technological advancement enables us to explore in so many ways to bring real change. Online petitions currently are a great hit with the youth and our generation. Many websites, such as petition.com, gopetition.com, and […]
Creative Thinking
April 12, 2013Have you ever thought that you were not very creative? Or you have thought you were creative but your creative ideas were impractical? In my psych 100 class we were learning about Erik Erikson’s psychosocial development. Erikson’s theory on development is that human beings tend to struggle between two critical concepts at every stage in […]
Volunteering: Giving AND Getting
April 11, 2013I recently got in an argument with my grandmother. My mom mentioned that she was going to be volunteering, and I jokingly asked what she was getting out of it. My grandmother, appalled, began yelling at me about how we are supposed to volunteer for no other reason than to help others, and we shouldn’t […]
Social Change
April 11, 2013Social Movements A social movement often focuses on addressing a problem a certain community faces. Historic movements in the past have created a country that is more accepting and tolerant of the various people that were members of the country, and to us some of the change may seem ridiculous because we were born […]
The Power of Art
April 10, 2013by Lori Lawson If you’ve been doing much walking around campus lately (which you should, because the weather is finally fantastic), you may have seen this slightly unsettling display of a schoolbus. For those of us who have done a little bit of investigating, chances are you aslo have seen the various articles floating around […]