Volunteering: Giving AND Getting

I recently got in an argument with my grandmother. My mom mentioned that she was going to be volunteering, and I jokingly asked what she was getting out of it. My grandmother, appalled, began yelling at me about how we are supposed to volunteer for no other reason than to help others, and we shouldn’t get anything from it! While my comment was joking, my sentiments were quite real. I believe that we should definitely gain something from our volunteer experiences! Whether it’s a fuzzy warm feeling or valuable skills, service shouldn’t be one-sided. Volunteering is a great way of seeing different perspectives, learning, gaining valuable skills, and yes, that great feeling like we’ve made a positive change!

I think there’s this taboo around talking about what you’re gaining from volunteering. I say go for it! I look for volunteer and service opportunities that I know will help me grow. For example, I recently began volunteering at the National Zoo. While I’m super excited to help educate others about elephants and conservation, I’m also looking forward to developing my communication skills and making important connections that will come in handy when I’m looking for a job. This doesn’t cheapen the experience, in fact it makes it even better! With this outlook, you feel so grateful for the opportunity you are being given. The organization is also grateful for the help, so you’re both really learning and growing from the experience.

I think this can especially be helpful with the ‘first job’ dilemma. You know the one: I need experience to get a job and a job to get experience! Volunteering can be a great way to gain experience and important skills that you can use in the workplace. So, next time you say, ‘I wish I knew how to do x,’ or ‘It would really give me a leg up if I could only do y;’ look for a volunteer opportunity that will help you learn it!

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