This has been the theme of the week for me. Today is a particularly good example. So far I have slipped and covered myself in mud, lost my ID, and been late to class. Despite these less-than-favorable occurrences, however, I have also have had a few good experiences. I got a good grade on my paper, found my ID in time for lunch, and people have gone out of their way to make sure my mud coated self was okay. I think that this is all part of being a leader . Learning to keep your composure, even if you slip up a little behind closed doors, in the face of challenges. People look to you for an example.
The core of the matter is that people who step forth to lead are typically those who refuse to let circumstance rule their life. Think of all of the amazing people in your life. The common denominator is often a lifetime of struggle that was overcome with grace, strength, and perseverance. How can we expect to help others in their lives without first learning to take control of ours? As college students, I hope this message is particular pertinent to you at such a challenging and rewarding time.
Instead of leaving you with my thoughts for the week, I want you to think of how both good and bad has happened in your life and how you have overcome it. Are you being a leader in your response? I leave you with this quote to meditate on:
It’s not whether you get knocked down. It’s whether you get up again.
-Vince Lombardi
Rant, celebrate, or share a story… be sure to comment letting me know how you handled obstacles as a leader.