‘We don’t see the world as it is, we see it as we are!’

It is true that what you see around you, is not what the world is, but is how you are. Do you see happy people or sad people everywhere you look? When you’re happy, you mostly see everyone else as happy and that the world is a great place to live. It really is :).

~ When you’re in a bad mood, you often feel that other people are in bad moods as well, and that the world is a bad place to live in.

‘knowledge is perception!’

Both viewpoints on the world are correct. How you see the world is how the world is, and how you are.

‘Philosophy is critical thought!’

True story ~ I used to think that philosophy was completely useless and stupid, what’s the point? Understand that ‘philosophy is critical thought!’ take time and think about your day and about your life. Normally I would just wake up in the morning and go to classes, but what was the point? What was I doing it all for? A job? What then? ‘philosophy is critical thought!’ expand your mind by learning about other’s perspectives.

‘Learn and understand how others think and expand your mind!’

I used to rant on about leadership being such a useless topic to teach back in the first semester, but now I just take it all in. What’s wrong with learning anyway? If you understand something new about something and the information is useful, then you just learned something! If you learned something but find out that the information is useless, it’s not like you’re dead! You would still be alive!

‘We don’t see the world as it is, we see it as we are!’

‘Change yourself, and the world changes with you. Weep, and you weep alone.’

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