So this is it, huh? The life of a college student- wake up ten minutes before class with just enough time to decide if brushing your teeth is more important than taking a shower. Breakfast? Forget breakfast… I’m in a sprint to get to class! Ahh, throw in the fact I have a seven p.m. Entrepreneur Club meeting on top of midterms, and I have to meet with coders to plan our execution of how to create a more effective database system for the company. The life of a college entrepreneur- a decision between the present and future.
I am sure many have heard of the movie “The Social Network” or even log in to Facebook often times while procrastinating on writing a paper; however, do many people really understand the significance of college to an entrepreneur’s life? The answer is slim to none. College students all over the world are now more so than ever creating positive change in the world in addition to helping grow our nation’s economy. These students are putting their brains, bodies, and innovation to the test… not to mention their own education on the line to excel their own company.
College students following the paths of Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, and Bill Gates are not just an anomaly but the majority. It is not uncommon for college students, like these successful entrepreneurs, to become college dropouts. According to an article published on Forbes- College becomes non-essential to an entrepreneur who knows he or she has the IQ of Einstein and the “next big thing.” College loses its’ appeal and assurance to the business-minded individual that knows in the back of their mind… Just because I have a degree does not necessarily mean I will become anymore successful than what I have created in right front of me. Higher academia adds a certain pressure of conforming these “mis-fits” hopes and dreams stemmed from their creativity and individualistic abilities. From skipping class to take a phone call with a venture capitalist, creating a better business prototype, and prepping for the next sales pitch… College students as entrepreneurs have the ambition to change the world fueled by the potential to produce their own fame and fortune.
At Mason, our motto is- “Where Innovation is Tradition.” We have the Center for Social Entrepreneurship that focuses on teaching college students about the research, practice and education about how to solve the next generation’s world problems through empowerment. The Center serves as a capstone to the Phoenix Project. On other college campuses, various Entrepreneur Clubs are created to promote entrepreneurship and innovative thinking among higher education as an extra-curricular activity.
By integrating these various entrepreneurship opportunities into our higher education systems, we are never able to breakeven. There is a constant fight between a set curriculum, abstaining from limiting the abilities of others, coordinating with the campus, and trying to preserve the true definition of entrepreneurship. It is often times difficult to gauge the objectives of the group. Whether the student has a goal to learn the ethos and culture of entrepreneurship, how to create a business model, or even if the student wants to network with others interested in possibly forming a start-up, the details of the club or course can be hard to uniform without breaking the ethics of entrepreneurship.
Drop in on the next big thing or drop out of the degree? Take the risk and the reward; that is up to you. Geeks are the new rock stars becoming “America’s Most Wanted.” College is a personal journey, a chance for hope to seize the future one day. Each route may have its own challenges and obstacles. The way I see it, college entrepreneurs are leaders inspiring others within this generation and the next to take risks, dream big, and leave the world better than it was before.