MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: Skip reading this post and not post a comment on said post

If you think you are going to skip this post and not read more, and not even post a comment, well then you better….

Think again because if you are reading this sentence right now, that means you fell for my trap (card)!

It’s 2:21 AM. I have to wake up at 5:00 AM, which is in about 2 hours and 39 minutes, to compete against a girl in a physical endurance competition. Considering how much hours of sleep I’m going to get tonight, the odds are stacked in her favor. And if I lose said competition, I’m going to have to do whatever she wants me to do for 5 straight hours. Subjugation anyone? C’est la vie.

What is this blog post’s topic going to be about ? Risk.



By: Megg Gawat


“What is risk and why should I care?” You ask.

Well, if you really don’t know what the word “risk” means by this day and age, you truly should not be able to read this sentence that you are correctly reading right now. But, assuming that you don’t know what the word means, let’s start with the definition. Risk is possible danger associated with a choice. So let’s say you were to accept an agreement to win a physical endurance contest with the stake that if you lose, you lose 5 hours of your life, that agreement is a risky agreement. On your part. So now that you know the definition of risk, let’s go a bound further, and go to our next subtopic related to risk, vices.


Vices are basically the same thing as risk. The only difference between risk and vices are, is that you feel gratified after a vice choice. You know what are some examples of vices? You probably know them already. Alcohol. Marijuana. Fatty Foods. Soda. Masturbation. Etc. By the age of 15, I suspect most teenagers figure out what good choices are, and what bad choices are. However, it’s not always easy to make the best choice.

It’s difficult a lot of times. There’s peer pressure, there’s the pleasure you’ll feel after taking part in the activity. There’s the instant gratification. That’s what most people are after. Most people want it now. Now, now, now. That’s why people are impulsive buyers. Heck, even I’m not immune to this phenomenon, even though I realize what it is. But the best choices to make are always the choices that will affect your life later on down the road. Not how it will affect your life at this instant, but perhaps 10 years down the road.

How different would your life be 10 years from now, had you made a correct decision? How different would your life be from now had you made a wrong decision? It’s unlikely you’ll have a heart attack after eating your first hamburger, or get diagnosed with lung cancer after your puff of tobacco, but if you keep repeatedly making these bad decisions, you’re bound to feel its effects eventually.

Don’t take the risk of making bad choices. Make the good choices now so that you don’t feel regret afterwards.


Believe it or not, I’m still wide awake. The time right now is 2:52 AM. This is really shocking right? So far I’ve written around 532 words in this whole post, in just about 30 minutes of writing time. It’s not like I took any breaks either. I just continually wrote. Sure I revised, and looked at a thesaurus, but still. That’s really shocking. 500 words in 30 minutes.

Anyways, I’m going to bed now. Hopefully I win this contest. I really doubt I’ll stand a chance now, with less than 2 hours of sleep, it’s going to be quite the challenge. I might decide to just skip the whole ordeal and just surrender. But then again, I’d rather not make such a dishonorable decision.

Not only do I lose this agreement. I lose my honor. I lose all my hours of sleep. I lose 5 hours of life time. I lost so much, just because I made one terrible choice of risk. See, don’t make that same mistake I did. It’s not worth it. I’d honestly skip this event, had not a lot of people expect me to be there. This competition hasn’t even started yet, yet I already admit defeat.

3:10 AM. C’est la vie.

One Response to “MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: Skip reading this post and not post a comment on said post”

  1.   rgawat Says:

    wow no one READ THIS!

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