In Being a Nonprofit Fellow


by Najeeba (Najee) Gootee

       Saying I learned a lot in my short semester as a nonprofit fellow would be an understatement. It was one of those experiences where I knew I was learning, obviously because it’s school, but it wasn’t until the very end that I reflected upon the last few months and was really aware of just how much I, and we, had accomplished. Being in a learning setting with just 15 students and 3 very hands-on professors makes for the most ideal learning environment I could ask for. I made spectacular friends along the way who were able to relate in every little assignment and reading we had. There was always someone to sit with, talk with, eat with, or study with and even better, to compare internship experiences with. We learned how to think and discuss as leaders, how to act in a nonprofit workplace, and how to create social innovation in our community. We even had some rockin’ field trips! This just barely scratches the surface about how amazing my semester was but I know I could not have had a better opportunity to solidify my decision to enter the nonprofit world than by doing this program.

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