so much to learn, so little time

“Every person you will ever meet knows something that you don’t” – Bill Nye

I read this quote about a month ago and it seemed to really strike a chord with me. This past semester we’ve talked a lot of using our differences as an instrument of social change and engaging our community more effectively. Being at Mason, surrounded by people who call so many different places home, has caused me to open my eyes a little bigger and hold my arms a little wider. I felt so convicted and compelled by the simple truth that we have so much to learn from one another.

This idea has changed the way I see people, interact with people, and further encouraged me to continue to step out of my comfort zone. What greater perspective could we have toward one another? College is one of the few times we’ll be surrounded by so many people our own age, why not capitalize on these opportunities?

So take this thought for what you will, whether garbage or maybe some food for thought, I hope this can serve as an encouragement for each of you throughout these last couple weeks left in the school year.


4 Responses to “so much to learn, so little time”

  1.   tgrant9 Says:

    That quote is very true; because every time I have met a new person I’ve learned information that I have never knew.

  2.   mkinsey Says:

    I like this quote! When I read it, I thought of a potluck style get-together. How incredibly boring would it be if you went to a potluck and every single person brought the same exact cornbread recipe? It’s much more fun to go to a potluck, try something you’ve never heard of, and experience its flavors and the hear the stories that come with it!

  3.   ksutton5 Says:

    I have heard this quote before but it never really hit me till I read this post! I like how you really took it to heart and realized how we can learn from the different people around us. It is very true that we will never be with this many people our age every again and it is a very good idea to take advantage of the encyclopedia that we live and socialize with everyday while we have the chance. This quote has really inspired me to try to learn from others and have them learn from me. This will also help in the long run when we graduate because we are setting up a great network of all different kinds of people for the future.

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