Patriot Leading

For many are called, but few are chosen. -Matthew 22:14 (NJV)

I will start my post off by saying that this Monday (Feb. 4, 2013) I was offered the position of Patriot Leader. I graciously accepted the offer and now I prepare to spend my summer here at Mason running the orientation with 29 other students. Jesus spoke this to groups like he normally did most things. The purpose of using this verse is because many people  applied for this position and I got it. It is a really coveted/competitive position that I am justly/rightly proud of. I want other to realize that although I have the title of Patriot Leader does not mean I’m the only Patriot Leader. There are many leadership positions on campus. RA, DA, Ambassadors and many more are all leaders on this campus. I want people to understand there is no need to be discouraged. I hope it isn’t even an issue, but this can also be for anything in life. You may get something that another doesn’t. How will you react? How will they? How will you comfort them if need be? How would you want to be comforted?

This is the life we live in. Is life fair? Depends on who you ask.

“Life is never fair, and perhaps it is a good thing for most of us that it is not.” -Oscar Wilde

5 Responses to “Patriot Leading”

  1.   ksutton5 Says:

    Well first off I want to start by saying congrats! I know it is always nice to hear the good news on something that you put a lot of time and effort into, and I wish you the best of luck with your summer. On the other hand I think that even though someone might not get the position they desired its possible that God has a different plan for their life. Of course life seems unfair because we cannot see the finally outcome. We live in tiny increments day by day and do not see what is in store ahead of us. I think if you asked someone on their death bed today if they thought life was fair they would answer yes; simply because everything happens to people at different stages of their life good and bad. So I believe you have to take life step by step and be a leader in the moments that matter the most.

  2.   ptinnell Says:

    I am a fan of the Oscar Wilde quote at the end. Personally, I do not believe that life is fair, but in some instances I do believe that it is a good thing. I also like the saying, “when one door closes another one opens”, but I do have a problem with it. Who says that you can’t just break down the first door until you get in. My point is, I do not beleive that if you don’t end up where you want to be after just a short effort, that it is anything to be upset about at all. It may be because now you will have the oppurtunity to take a different direction or maybe the timing just wasn’t right. Whatever the reason be, I assure you there is one. And most importantly we need to remember that those who are controlling our oppurtunities don’t even know who we are, so it’s not personal.

  3.   jsakevic Says:

    Congratulations! Life is not fair. You have to roll with the punches. It is all on how you react to what happens to you. I would hope that this wouldn’t discourage anyone. There is one quote that I like that says, It doesn’t matter how many times you fall as long as you get back up and move forward.

  4.   Lori Lawson Says:

    Roger, I would like to respectfully disagree with the way you presented this here. I completely understand your point that people should not be discouraged when faced with a road block in life, but I suppose where my opposition lies in the way that you present this. While I recognize that this is most likely unintentional on your part, it is a great way to bring up how we should act as leaders who have all been granted different opportunities. We need to make sure that we are not inadvertently encouraging these negative feelings. In this post, you used a lot of the pronoun “I,” and while we are all proud of your accomplishments, perhaps making this a less specific post would have prevented the possibility of people who did not get the position to feel specifically disappointed. Sometimes being more general is better – more people can make it applicable to their life and there are no direct comparisons between people. Additionally, I feel that the way you constructed this post in general gives people specific reasons to be discouraged and then tries to tell us not to be. Just a friendly reminder to all of us to also watch ourselves and our effects on others, because phrasing things the right way is key.

  5.   Daedalus Says:

    ‘We don’t see the world as it is, we see it as we are!’

    John and Roger = Same team!
    Lori = Opposing team!
    Keilah + Paige = Neutral!

    I say this post is useless! All you are is bragging about how you won the position to become a PL!

    Who wants to read posts like this? Tell your friends – not ~brag~ publicly on a class forum!

    ‘Knowledge is experience of Reality beyond the tiny limited world of thought/imagination in which ‘you’ exist!’

    Veni Vidi Vici

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