by Lori Lawson As leaders, many of us tend to focus more on what is said rather than how it is said. What my goal here is today is to have you reevaluate one of the most prevalent tools that leaders use to present information: the PowerPoint. Recently my History 390 course brought up how […]
Reflection of President Cabrera Lead Dialogues 11/12/2012
November 13, 2012On Monday evening, I had the pleasure of attending the Lead Dialogues with George Mason University’s President Angel Cabrera. The event took place in the Mason Hall where a select chosen few were able to discuss two readings, ‘How Much Land Does a Man Need?’ and ‘A Zen Parable: The Stawberry,’ the President himself selected. […]
Why Tim Tebow is one of the best leaders in the nation right now.
November 7, 2012Last night I was thinking, who are the greatest leaders in the country right now. The first person I thought of was Cornel West, the second person I thought of was Barrack Obama, and then a controversial person came into my head Tim Tebow. Yea I know it sounds kinda ridiculous to call a sports superstar […]
Sexist media, take that!
November 7, 2012“Mostly they think feminism is a bunch of angry women who want to be like men. They do not even think about feminism as being about rights – about women gaining equal rights” (Feminism is for Everybody by bell hooks) Election Day is done, and we can now re-welcome Barack Obama as our President […]
Ways to Engage
November 7, 2012Forms of Civic Engagement chart When we think of civic engagement – do we think of all of these?
November 7, 2012When you think of peacocks, the image that comes to mind is probably the male peacock. Like the one below –> If you didn’t know the male peacocks are the really beautiful ones; they have pretty colors on their feathers in hopes of attracting a female to them. The brighter and bigger the feathers the […]
Global Leader
November 7, 2012I found this article about what skills that leaders need in the business world. The article, Developing the Global Leader, is by Julia Hanna with help form Bill George. On thing that Bil George says is “The most successful leaders will not necessarily be those with the highest IQ, Of course, they will need to be […]
To Be a Leader You Must…
November 7, 2012Being a leader requires someone to be whatever a group needs. In this instance being a leader cannot be bound by titles or characteristics. I remember during class we were discussing how leadership is not defined by a title or position. I had to think about this for a while because I had always envisioned […]
Mandela: His 8 Lessons of Leadership
November 6, 2012Mandela: His 8 Lessons of Leadership (,9171,1821659,00.html) This response is a simple one. 8 Lessons to be a good leader. No. 1 Courage is not the absence of fear — it’s inspiring others to move beyond it No. 2 Lead from the front — but don’t leave your base behind No. 3 Lead from the […]