Stop the Shouting! Disappointing leadership…

I am sure that all of us or the majority of us have watched the Presidential Debate last night. At the beginning I thought I had my set mind made up as a declared Democrat, but I wanted to keep my mind open. I have discovered to be moderate and see both sides. However, in order for me to make a smart decision as a young voter, I want to know both candidates plans and HOW they are going to implement their way of action to fulfill all these promises. I was disappointed in the more hostile debating style that both candidates had, especially Romney. This DOES NOT mean that I am biased against the Republican side. I thought that he had some good points, but didn’t show how he was going to do it. President Obama could have also done a better job. I feel like leadership is not about all that talk, but action and how you are going to get things done. Instead of bashing the other side, an individual should focus on oneself to show that they are the right decision. Here comes the question of whether “Obama and Romney were too aggressive”, which I read in another blog that can be found under this link: (Aggressive Presidential Debate). Also, the Washington Post commented on the debate, stating, “A far more aggressive President Obama showed up for his second debate with Mitt Romney on Tuesday, and at moments their town-hall-style engagement felt more like a shouting match than a presidential debate. The two men challenged each other on the facts, talked over each other and stalked each other across the stage” (Washington Post).It is sad and disappointing to me to have an inmature debate, which portrays the future of our nation for the next four years. I hope that the next debate will be for the people, rather than egos. All I care about is to make the right and best decision to vote for the better good of America.

5 Responses to “Stop the Shouting! Disappointing leadership…”

  1.   cforema2 Says:

    GREAT POST!!! I’m going to try to be as unbiased as possible in this comment. 🙂 Although, my mind is totally made up on who I’ll be voting for, I definitely agree with you! The debate style of both candidates was very immature during certain moments in the debate. I think Governor Romney is always known for trying to over talk someone and President Obama was trying overcompensate for his lack of aggression during the first presidential debate. However, I really enjoyed the debate and it made me proud of my candidate…who will remain nameless because I’m being unbiased. 🙂

  2.   jsakevic Says:

    I agree with you about how they put down each other rather than saying what they are going to do in office. In my opinion, all they are doing is telling the voter what is wrong with their opponent. They need to just stop putting down each other and focus on what they are going to do to help the citizens. Also, sometimes the candidates will promise so much and they really don’t have the power to fulfill those promises.

  3.   soofed Says:

    Chauncy, that’s how I felt haha It is great that we can see both sides, even if we made up our minds (:

  4.   Rodrigo Says:

    I like how this article does showcase negative aspects of leadership, from two very important leaders at the moment. Though I claim to be a democrat, the amount of hostility from both leaders really showed how they were not able to demonstrate appropriate leader qualities in the debate. I almost felt bad for Candy, who was barely able to keep control of the time because each candidate had “JUST ONE MORE THING” to say. The debate may have showcased what each candidate plans to do, just as how every leader plans on doing something, but the manner that this was presented did not bode over well for me.

  5.   ebarnhil Says:

    As much as I like politics I have to say I am not a fan of the whole concept of presidential debate. I think in the grand scheme of things they do not accomplish to much because they are so focused on their prepared talking-points and are to aggressive trying to talk each other under the table. I think it would be a better use of time to put the canindates into situation that would test their aptitude as a president not who is the better loud talker. I think that is article gives a good outline to the solution

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