Note: This post was written by Maia Wise, one of the team leaders of the 2013 AB trip to Jamaica. My visit to Jamaica allowed me to reflect on the luxuries I take for granted. Things as simple as turning on the light when you walk in […]
Opening Up
February 13, 2013I thought it was so permitting to use a red rose since Valentines Day is tomorrow, but I would like to reference my time here at George Mason to the opening of the rose. I have definitely had a hard time starting college, but within the first three weeks of this second semester I have […]
To Be Inspired by Kids
February 13, 2013Now, “youth” are not the topic of my community engagement project this spring, but by talking with some friends recently, we concluded that kids are pretty inspiring and wonderful. Billy Cosby really had a good thing going when he said that ‘Kids Say the Darndest Things’ (this link showcases my absolute favorite segment from the show). […]
Still thinking about Jamaica
February 11, 2013Reflections on Alternative Break, January 2013. Hope School – Treasure Beach, Jamaica. As always, my latest Alternative Break service experience has left me with a mash-up of conflicting thoughts and emotions. The attempt to reconcile them is no doubt very good for my growth. As it happened, on the flight to Jamaica I read […]
Young People To The Rescue!
February 10, 2013A lot of times we don’t give ourselves enough credit. We are young and trying to make a difference and sometimes our efforts get overlooked because of our age . Whenever college students ( or young people in general) start doing service people don’t expect much, what they expect is what Wendy mentioned in […]
The “DIY” Way
February 10, 2013Don’t wait for your success. Go out and take it. That’s what Macklemore did, anyway.
Lobby Day: GMU Heads to the Virginia State Capitol
February 10, 2013For the past three to now going on four weeks, I have enjoyed reading everyone’s blog posts and seeing the dynamics on the floor shift. Unfortunately, my schedule this semester has not given me time to be more of the in-class participant like I had hoped it would work out; however, my leadership role(s) on […]
The Philanthrophy Fad
February 8, 2013I TOMS you TOMS we all scream for TOMS! Or is that ice cream? It’s pretty apparent that TOMS brand shoes are popular (just count the number of them you see in one day!). Heck, even I have several pairs! But, as some may argue, they’ve got a peculiar style. Would we still buy them if it wasn’t for […]
True Identity
February 6, 2013Over the past few days I got the amazing opportunity to be part of the RA Retreat and some leadership classes. I thought I knew what leadership truly meant and was fully capable and ready to become an RA. However, there is so much to learn!!!! There are so many personalities and identities that we […]