Helping others is a major component of being a leader. I was able to experience this at the last service project that was at the Food Bank. Even though all we did was sort out food and stick them in boxes at least I knew that in the long run it was going to a good cause. It made me realize that I was more fortunate than others, which I’m thankful for; going to the Food Bank is something that I normally would not do but from meeting new people and hanging out with the people on the floor it was really nice. It was really cool how we all worked together and got all the food packed in a very fast amount of time. Everybody contributed in helping to accomplish a common goal. At the end of the day, the director informed us that we had packed nearly three hundred boxes and thousands of boxes of food. To me this was astonishing to be able to service others in that short amount of time. Ultimately I felt so selfless in helping others. Often times I feel that a lot of people look at what they can get out of a situation rather than what they can offer to others. Being a leader requires sacrifice, and that often means providing service to others and the community without getting compensated or a reward out of it. I found a fitting quote about selflessness that I felt directly applied to this post-
“Only those who have learned the power of sincere and selfless contribution experience life’s deepest joy: true fulfillment” -Anthony Robbins
Ultimately as leaders our goal is to make ourselves, our families, our colleagues, our community, and our world a better place. If we all worked to put others before ourselves than I believe the world could be a better place.
-Tediah Grant
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