
Over the last week America their has been alot of unexpected mass deaths. When tragedies like the Boston Marathon and the explosion in West, Texas, American’s from all different back ground and believes come together with the common interest of finding a way to get to the next step. It almost like automatic communities engagement. Right when 9/11 happened it didn’t matter what gender,race,or sexuality you were we came together to find who attacked us. If only America could keep this mindset everyday and not just when their is tragedy. I feel that we could truly take our nation to the next level.

4 Responses to “”

  1.   rcoda Says:

    I totally agree AV! On a random day, Americans are always in some sort of internal conflict whether it’s political or just in everyday life. It seems that things would be so much easier if we could all get along and unite as a country, without there being a tragedy to spark this. I feel that a lot of this feeling stems from America being an individualistic country. We pride ourselves on personal fulfillment and achievement, not working as a whole. If our mindset as a country changed, I feel things would run smoother overall.

  2.   ksutton5 Says:

    You have a great point AV! I think it would be absolutely excellent if we could just be a world that always sets aside prejudge in our day to day lives and not just in times of tragedy. I truly believe that places like Mason and other very culturally diverse environments can help make this possible in the future. So everyday when I am walking around Mason or DC or wherever and I encounter people that are different than I or just seem left out, I try to make it a point to talk to them because I would want the same if I were in there shoes. I wish, hope, and dream that one day we can look at each other and not even notice differences but until then we just have to start one Mason community at a time.

  3.   Roger Dean Says:

    It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt. We as a people don’t care about other people inherently. There must be a reason we act on behalf of someone else other than ourselves. It’s a life style choice to go out of the way an make emotional attachment to other people. Good point AV.

  4.   tgrant9 Says:

    Great point AV! If the countries mindset would change a lot of these tragedies would probably not happen. We have to start and try and make a change to make the world a better and safe place.

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