‘Become a Vegan! Become smarter! Live longer!’

What does it take to convince someone to change their life for the better? For me it was the health benefits! I was deeply terrified of cancer~! It is a terrible disease that so many people die from, a few of my relatives have passed away from to it!

Being afraid of cancer, and knowing how it was near impossible to defeat once trillions of cells had been infected, I became very lucky to come across a video about how to ‘prevent’ cancer in the first place! It was about taking a vegan diet!

Anything related to physical health, mental health, mood, becoming a vegan drastically improves your it all! Vegans have lower risks of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, dementia, and are overall the healthiest diet group compared to any other diet! They are overall happier with their life, and overall smarter! Unbelievable right? I convinced my entire family to become vegan –  it wasn’t so hard, because it was a reasonable choice to make! Think about it and do your own research!

So what does it take for you to become a vegan? I have been a vegan for a week and will answer any questions. I will post a few ideas that may convince you – think about it!

Many Influential and World Changing Vegans!

‘Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances of survival for life on earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.’ – Albert Einstein

I would not have continued a vegan lifestyle had not so many of the world’s brightest minds of their time been vegan or vegetarian themselves! Biggest influence for me was Isaac Newton being a vegan.

Isaac Newton – Undisputed most influential mathematician of all time, founder of Calculus, Gravity, physics, etc! – Died at age 84

Here are some other vegans/vegetarians: Albert Einstein, Gandhi, Leonardo Da Vinci, Thomas Edison, Nikolai Tesla, Pythagoras, Plato, Diogenes, Socrates, Benjamin Franklin, The Beatles, The Buddha, Jesus Christ, Confucius, Mark Twain, Henry Ford, Susan B Anthony, Ramunajan, Charles Darwin, Voltaire, Et Al! Average age of death was around 80 years old!!!

Here are some modern vegans/vegetarians: Carl Lewis, Michael Jackson, Steve Jobs, Ellen Degeneres, Oprah Winfrey, Christian Bale, Dustin Hoffman, Pamela Anderson, Bob Dylan, Pink, Prince, Justin Timberlake, Fred Rogers, Bob Barker, Zhao Wei, et al! Think about it!

‘The average population of vegans is very small, yet a small population has such a great percentage of world changing people!’

Stop the Support of Harming Animals!

Visit this website – Meat.org

I remember my biology teacher was a vegan! He kept going on about how he had never eaten meat before! I thought he was crazy for not eating meat, and that I would never resort to such a foolish diet!

Looking back at it now, this diet has been one of the greatest life moves I’ve ever made in my life! Try it out for a day and see how you like it!

‘Visit the website: Meat.org!’

Unlimited Health Benefits!

‘Visit this website: NutritionFacts.org!’ – Use the search bar for what you want to learn more about. You can search for mood, intelligence, cancer, diabetes, aging, attractiveness, etc.

There are thousands of studies being done on millions of people on all these different subjects that may interest you.

The research is mostly unbiased, it shows viewpoints on both sides of vegan vs non-vegan benefits, vegan always wins in the end though!

Save the Environment!

You can solve world hunger – if everyone was vegan, 90% of food resources won’t go to farm animals, and will go to other humans instead!

You can solve water shortages – 1kg of beef requires over 50,000 to 100,000 of water to create. That’s more than 60 times the same amount of any much more nutritious vegetables. 1 liter of milk requires over 1000 liters of water to create. Think about how much water is used up to create other foods such as pork, chicken, fish, etc.

You can solve global warming – Livestock produce the most ecosystem damage due to methane emissions that are required to care for them.

‘ Read more: http://alidark.com/why-veganism-is-an-insult-to-our-intelligence-its-not-how-you-think/ ‘


Q & A section:

Q: How hard is it to become a vegan?
A: Very easy! Southside is basically a haven for vegans. The food there is freaking delicious! There’s a whole salad bar, and a vegan only food section there! Wow! Seriously, try it out for a day and tell me how you like it. The food is freaking delicious, who knew life improvement could be so great!

Q: How do you feel now after switching?
A: I feel a lot healthier. I don’t know how to describe it – I go to sleep very easily at night – wake up full of energy in the morning. I can eat just one meal for the entire day and not feel hungry later on. I’ve become a lot smarter, been able to solve math problems a lot faster, write code a lot better, come up with solutions so much more easily. No joke, I think almost completely different from before! I got perfect 100/100 scores in a few tests already – normally I’d get around 70-80!! –  you might think I’m lying, but I think at least 3 times better than before! I’m overall a lot happier – I didn’t feel sad once in this entire week – normally I’d feel bad some nights for differing reasons – but I’ve felt great every night now!

Ask more questions! I’ve been a vegan for a week, I’ll answer anything.

6 Responses to “‘Become a Vegan! Become smarter! Live longer!’”

  1.   rcoda Says:

    Wow! This post is awesome. Of course it’s known that one’s attitude it reflected upon their food intake, but I never knew that it could really affect someone to this magnitude. I guess it’s true-you ARE what you EAT!

  2.   ooladipu Says:

    This post is sooo encouraging!! Although I am not a vegen, I have always been interested in nutrition and its affect on the body. Also over the winter break I had time to watch a lot…i mean a lot lol… of documentaries on people turning vegan. I have a histroy of heart disease in my family and have considered going vegan for some time. What do you suggest for someone who wants to try going vegan? What is the first step?

  3.   Daedalus Says:


    Great question! It’s actually quite easy to go vegan, you know, think about it!
    Here’s the main differences between a vegetarian and a vegan, keep in mind vegans have far stronger benefits in their diet:

    Vegetarian – No meat.
    Vegan – No meat + no dairy products

    That’s the main difference between the two! At SouthSide, you can ask for rice milk at one of the counters, which is so much more healthier than regular cow milk (they give you a carton of it, so you can read the nutrition facts), and it actually tastes better than regular milk believe it or not, it’s sweeter!

    Basically, you’re not even sacrificing anything by going with a vegan diet. There’s always substitutes to be found – tofu is a delicious substitute for meat, and contains many more nutrients, there’s nondairy cheese, nondairy yogurt, nondairy milk, and so much more! If you ever get a chance to try grilled tofu, take it! It’s sooo delicious, tastes better than chicken, and so much healthier!

    What I suggest for a new vegan starting out is to just start. Just remove all meat and dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt) from your diet, don’t over think it, don’t plan, just do.

    Oh yeah, you have to keep in mind the lack of vitamin B12 in our diets, vitamin B12 only comes from animals, which means we get absolutely none. Thankfully the ‘improved’ flavored water drinks at SouthSide contain plenty, just drink one glass of the flavored water at least once every other day and you’ll be fine. If we had no access to the flavored drinks though, it’s recommended that we take supplements of vitamin B12 at least once every three days.

    Here are some tips, tricks, and hints from a vegan of 2 weeks:
    -The more colorful the food, the more nutritious. White vegetables and foods such as cauliflower, white cheese, and white chocolate, have almost no nutrients. The greener the vegetable, the better their photosynthesis works, the more nutrients they have. Bright orange carrots, bright yellow corn, bright green peas, all have a good amount of nutrients. Apple juice has no nutrients, just sugar, because it’s mainly juice taken from the white part of the apple, which has no nutrients, the real nutrients are in the bright red skin.
    -The more unnatural the taste of the food, the better nutrients it has. Not all vegetables provide the same nutrients as each other, some of them have rarer yet more effective nutrients that are better at fighting off diseases such as cancer and heart disease and do a better job of keeping your body healthy. This is a paradox with food, junk food always taste the best, though they provide nothing, while vegetables don’t taste great in general, but they are the healthiest foods you can find.
    -Don’t apply ranch or any sort of dressing on the entirety of your plate. Take a little bit of your food and apply the ranch onto that small section then taste it, sometimes the dressing or spice might not actually make it taste better, and it’s better not to drown your whole plate in something you won’t end up liking.
    -You will learn so many new names of vegetables, spices, fruits, that you have never even knew before. I didn’t know what lentils, cantaloupes, or honeydews were until just last week, and so many more I still have no clue of. Be sure to ask the server or someone nearby what a certain fruit, vegetable, or spice is called if you’re stuck.

    Be prepared to have a clearer mind than you have ever had before, that was the most noticeable difference it made for me after the first day.

  4.   llawson Says:

    As a vegetarian, I have to points. 1) Being vegan takes a lot of self-control – congratulations! 2) People often don’t realize how much control they have over themselves. I think this post is a fantastic example of how if you do enough research and have enough self-control then you’re able to make serious changes in your life. From what I see here, it is clear that you have done some research, which is vital in any decision someone makes regarding any topic – a takeaway we can certainly all use in our day-to-day lives!

    •   Daedalus Says:


      ~Being a vegan takes a lot of self control
      Not really! All it you have to do is take away some food from your diet.
      I didn’t realize it was a ‘difficult’ choice to make.
      See, the world is filled with lies and a lie that something is difficult are the most common lies.
      Know that these limitations are false, and people who think so are only placing limits on themselves!

      ~People often don’t realize how much control they have over themselves
      People have all the control of their bodies! More control than anyone else has over them!
      No one controls you! Only you control you! No one can make you sad or angry if you don’t choose them to!

      Life isn’t complex
      Don’t make it so!

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