To Be Inspired by Kids

Now, “youth” are not the topic of my community engagement project this spring, but by talking with some friends recently, we concluded that kids are pretty inspiring and wonderful. Billy Cosby really had a good thing going when he said that ‘Kids Say the Darndest Things’ (this link showcases my absolute favorite segment from the show). Another glimpse into the inner workings of a kid’s mind is my seven-year-old cousin’s quote concerning women that wear black to look thin: “If you just worked out more, you could wear whatever color you wanted”. Is that not a hoot?!

Kids naivety makes them impervious to the adult “rules and regulations” that pertain to the rest of the grown world. They ask fantastic questions. They love unconditionally and call everyone their friend. They don’t mind getting messy to have fun. I believe that we can all learn a thing or two about living life to it’s fullest by preserving the ideals that kids hold close.

Bringing up cause and effect, and starting at the “roots of the community issue”, we need to remember that kids truly are the future of our world, so it’s vital that we look after them, encourage ambition and creativity, and, last but certainly not least, allow ourselves to be inspired by how they think and what they do. =)

Has a kid inspired you lately?


4 Responses to “To Be Inspired by Kids”

  1.   ptinnell Says:

    I am inspired by alot of things that kids say. And even though some times the things they say are a bit brash and forward, they are usually true and funny! Kids are the future and I definitely think that every child deserves to know that they matter, they can become anything, and that their ideas are important. I also believe that we are all born without any prejudices and negatitivty. Prolonging traits like these well into adulthood would be ideal, but sometimes we are just too corrupted by the reality of the world we live in. However, I would encourage everyone to just take a deep breath. relax, and enjoy their inner child every once in a while, or all the time!

  2.   rgawat Says:

    -Kids naivety makes them impervious to the adult “rules and regulations” that pertain to the rest of the grown world –

    ‘You don’t see the world as it is, you see it as you are!’

    There are no such rules in reality! Who is stopping you from being free from those so called ‘rules!’

    -I believe that we can all learn a thing or two about living life to it’s fullest by preserving the ideals that kids hold close –

    ‘We don’t see the world as it is! We see it as we are!’

    Have you forgotten that we are still kids ourselves? As being a former 10 year old kid, I didn’t hold any ‘ideals’ back then! I had not known what such a word meant! My life was about having as much fun as possible – fun first – ideals later!

    -Has a kid inspired you lately? –

    Temporarily, not permanently! I don’t think about kids everyday, because I don’t see them every day! Your main inspiration should be something important and close to you! Namely your fate!

  3.   Daedalus Says:

    ~ Kids naivety makes them impervious to the adult �rules and regulations� that pertain to the rest of the grown world ~

    ‘We don’t see the world as it is, we see it as we are!’

    There are no such ‘rules and regulations’ that pertain to the adult world! It is the rules and regulations that you believe are true – which in turn you believe the entire world holds true!

    The fact is you can ‘love unconditionally and call everyone your friend!’ who is stopping you!

    ~we need to remember that kids truly are the future of our world~

    ‘we don’t see the world as it is, we see it as we are!’ By stating that kids are the future of the world, you disregard most responsibility to the world yourself! You hold more value to the world than a child does – for you are older – you know more and can do more than a regular child!

    ~Has a kid inspired you lately~?

    Yes, but not permanently! For a very short amount of finite time! I don’t think about kids 24/7/365! I have more knowledge and experience than any child! ~I’ve been through what they’ve been through, I know what they know~!

  4.   ksutton5 Says:

    I think is this so great! I absolutely love to listen to children because they really do say the darnest things. But its how truthful and open with what they say that is so enlightening. I think they say exactly what should be said that most adults would bet around the bush about or just not say at all. And like you said these children are our next generation so we should encourage then to keep being themselves; creative, and kind, and all around non bias or racist to their surroundings. If we as adults could keep that kid-like mentality about the society we live in, I think the world would be a better place. So never be afraid to unleash you’re inner kid sometimes, I know I always do!

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