What’s important Now


Lou Holtz is one of my favorite people in the whole wide world not just because he is one of the greatest football coaches of all time. It is because he knows what it takes to succeed through all types of adversity. Coach Holtz talks about a lot of key things in this video that are relevant to not just being a great leader but overall being an amazing person. As leaders our job is to form a team. Forming a team is not all about putting play makers in good positions or having the right strategy so that it fits the talents and limitations of the individuals on the team. A team is a group of people that have come together for a common goal and are willing to do anything for each other so that they can reach that goal. When working towards that goal as a team, the team should be ready to give help an individual so that every member of the team can make an equal contribution.  As leaders I feel that we should take that concept into consideration when we use our leadership talents to manage others. Every chain is as strong as its weakest link, every door is as strong as it hinges, every rope is dependent on its fibers, and every family is as strong as its craziest member.

2 Responses to “What’s important Now”

  1.   cshuler Says:

    i found this post very helpful in terms of describing how vital it is not only to have a strong leader but as a leader to also invest in the players and teammates you find yourself among. Each individual as a part of a team, a company, a family, or a group brings unique experience, knowledge, and expertise in a variety of different subject areas, however, it is the responsibility of the leader, as well as the individual, to empower one another to speak up and to also feel encouraged and able to speak up to benefit the group. Managing others is one of the most difficult tasks that a leader faces and is a very delicate process to involve oneself in.

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