Some Random Important Skills

What are some random important skills in the world? Here I’m going to list some random important skills. I’m really weak at these skills at the moment, so I am not the person to come up to for training. Anyway, here we go !

First off I want to address plagiarism. It’s illegal, yet on this blog, there are so many people taking other people’s pictures without permission. Geez, at least cite the sources. Or be creative enough to make some up yourself, instead of just copying pictures, ideas, videos, whatever. Anyway, not everyone is a plagiarizer. I’m actually a hypocrite, because I took some pictures and didn’t cite them. Step up to the plate. Yeah, no one cares. But it’s for your own good. It’s like taking 2 pounds of drugs or watching TV for more than 1 millisecond a day. It seems like it doesn’t harm you, but it does in the long run.

So here are the random important skills which I think are important, and a reason of why they are good skills to have.


Public speaking and presentation skills

You can have the best research in the world and be right about everything, but if you don’t have the public speaking or presentation skills to represent your research, no one will care. An amateur researcher with a great public persona can have infinitely more success than you because of their speaking skills alone. Anyway, this is definitely important, no matter what field you are pursuing.


Arguing / Debating skills

You can have the best ideas in the world, but you’ll get nowhere if you can’t even debate or argue properly. The best debaters can be completely wrong with their argument, yet, if given in the right light, it can sway an audience into rethinking the problem, and eventually agreeing with them. It doesn’t even matter if you’re wrong or if you’re right most of the time, it just depends on how good you are at debating and changing minds.


Leadership skills

I really dislike how much research goes into this mundane topic. In my opinion most people that research it don’t even know what they’re talking about. Looking at great leaders of the past, I don’t see how people like Ghandi, Hitler (he was a bad guy, but he had the power to control a whole nation), Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, etc, researched leadership. I don’t think they looked into the topic at all. They just let it be. They make mistakes every now and then, they’re human. And they try out different techniques. Geez, was that so hard to understand? In my opinion, the reason why there is so much research on leadership going on, is because it is so easy to talk about and describe. I can write a whole article about how being sad and depressed can make you a great leader, and it’ll fly.


Passion skills

I don’t think there’s a more important skill than passion skills. If you have the passion, you have the ability to make anything you want come true. So reveal your passions with a passion.


Conflict Resolution skills

Having a passion, good leadership skills, arguing/debating skills, speaking skills, and communication skills, doesn’t protect you from conflict. So it’s good to have skills that are able to resolve conflicts. Whether working in groups or observing a conflict going on, conflict resolution skills might save the day.


Anyway that’s my article for the week. Thanks for reading it and have a good day.













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