Tips to be a great leader

I was looking at articles about leadership and I came upon this. The title of the article is Walk the Talk: Four Tips to be an Extraordinary Leader. The article is more business orientated. It still applies to almost all leadership positions. I agree with his opening statement. He says that there are 2 types of leaders. There are the ones who speak, and then there are the ones that do.

The next tip he gives on leadership is about how leaders should put their followers needs before their own. This is a good idea because to lead you need followers. Leaders have to keep their followers happy.

Anther point he talks about is that that leaders should show that they care about their followers. This is good in my opinion because everyone can say that they care about a person but never show it. A way that the author gives is by listening to their opinion and valuing it. That is a very important concept that should be used.

2 Responses to “Tips to be a great leader”

  1.   Sarah Williams Says:

    I think that in leadership, if you are leading a cause you truly believe in, then putting your followers needs before your own will not stem from a need to make them like you or keep them happy, but from a desire to serve them as a fellow member in your cause and to equip them for the work you are doing together. A leader needs to be an enabler, someone who comes alongside their followers. In theory, the leader and the follower will all be working towards the same goal so a leader should be focused on the goal, and how they can help their followers achieve that goal.

  2.   jskyers Says:

    There needs to be more leaders out there who understand and put in effort towards teamwork. I agree with Thomas Walter when he says “You did not climb your way to the top just so you could tell others to get you coffee in the morning” because you start from the same place in the sense of “leader” and “follower” like everyone else. It is important to stay grounded and keep in mind you cannot really “move” things, unless you are “moving” with your teammates.

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