
I’m going to go off of my usual topic here and write about street fashion. I really do love a good fashion/personal style blog (my favorites are here and here) and something I’ve noticed rapidly growing in the fashion blogging world is street fashion. Street fashion is basically just what it sounds like: what people are wearing on the streets in everyday life, usually in big cities. This can be anything from fairly average styles to styles that look like they came right off the runway.

Street fashion has been getting so much attention that it’s almost become a game. Photographers and bloggers follow people around like celebrities, and the people being photographed are becoming increasingly adventurous in their styles to gain more attention. Here’s a really short documentary on this cultural phenomenon.

Sometimes the attention can get to the trend-setter’s head. There’s a sense of power in the attention and it feels good; but in order to be a good leader, one must know when power is starting to control their actions. This lesson can be applied to other contexts such as the workplace, a school organization, etc. In order to exhibit effective leadership, it’s important to stay humble and not be overly effected by what others think and do.

Any thoughts would be appreciated!

3 Responses to “StreetStyle”

  1.   llawson Says:

    Definitely! A large ego can become a huge problem. If we let the attention we get fro being leaders go beyond building out confidence go into building our ego. Once we start doing things for attention, we get out of touch with our true purpose. Its easy to get sidetracked and figure out which poses look best rather than which leadership models work the best.

  2.   ooladipu Says:

    Wow, I love your topic for your blog. I believe that being overshadowed by power can blind you but staying humble allows you to keep 20/20 vision. It is easy to foget about your surroundings when you are so involved in a leadership role you might have been given, but humility allows you to actually see what your members thoughts/ideas are. I also think that humility keeps you grounded; and, although being creative is key to leadership knowing when to be practical is a charactersitic a leader should have or aquire.

  3.   rcoda Says:

    I think this is a really great blog topic Mimi! I think humility is necessary as a leader, because success can come and go at anytime. I think egotistical leaders are less likely to provoke change, and less inspiring to the people that chose to follow them. As leaders, I feel that we should strive to be as humble as possible always. On a final note, I believe that when people brag on you/your achievements, it is more fulfilling than self-praise anyway.

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