Management & Leadership Going Hand and Hand

Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.

-Peter Drucker


My thoughts about management and leadership are that they go hand in hand; being organized and able to manage things well is a quality that I feel is essential to being a well rounded leader. Without good management skills things get lost and unfinished and all around it is a bad scenario. What person would look up to a leader that doesn’t have they’re stuff together? I know I sure wouldn’t! Those that are organized and able to manage properly are usually more efficient and can handle a lot of things on the plate at any given time. As Drucker said in the above quote “management is doing things right” as in how society would like to see things being done. Possessing organizational skills like being timely, effective, and efficient when working is, in my eyes, some of the best qualities to have under your belt because they can be used in so many different aspects of life to make you a better individual and to bring light to a group. However “leadership is doing the right things” like giving that helping hand when you see someone that is struggling or recycling that water bottle that is just sitting on the side of the road. Both being a good manager and leader are great qualities but I see them being even more pronounced when they are put together. So moral of the story is being a great leader goes hand and hand with being a great manager of either your time, your followers, your studies, or whatever you have that needs to be managed!





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